Garden Route Vrou van die Jaar High Tea is ‘n inisiatief van HEM ( Hessequa Express Magizine) en Albertinia SANWIT.
Die visie is om hiedie die geleentheid op ‘n jaarlikse basis te laat plaasvind met ‘n twee ledige doewitl nl:
Albertinia SANWIT is deel van SANWIT(South African Network for Woman in Transport) ‘n organisasie wat fokus op die bemagtiging en mobilisering van vrouens, kinders en die jeug.
Garden Route is an initiative of HEM (Hessequa Express Magazine) and Albertinia SANWIT. Our vision is to present this event on an annual basis based on two goals:
Albertinia SANWIT is part of SANWIT (South African Network for Woman in Transport) an organization that focuses on empowerment and mobilization of women, children and youth.
Albertinia SANWIT is part of SANWIT (South African Network for Woman in Transport) an organization that focuses on empowerment and mobilization of women, children and youth.